As we raked tons of leaves today, we discovered the crocus hiding underneath. It was such a surprise! Last week, the temperatures were freezing. In fact, even today, we still have snow leftover from the blizzard of 2007. Unfortunately, we missed this phenomenon, since we were vacationing in Kauai at the time.
Here are all of the sticks that we picked up in the yard the last 2 days. We got most of them bundled together, so that they can go out with our trash on Monday morning. They were quite the pain in the butt to pick up. My hands feel like the have taken a beating from them. But the yard is looking much better now.
Braden, who is younger than Dalton by 19 months, decided to be nice & pull his big brother around the yard. I was so surprised! I didn't think that he would be able to do it, but he did! He pulled him quite a long way! It was absolutely adorable!
We bought a stake & tie out today for Lily, so that she can join us when we go outside to do yardwork or to play. We also bought her some outside doggie toys, because I didn't want her bringing toys in & out. Ewwww. Anyways, she seemed to think that it was great to be outside with us & not be on a leash. And now, she doesn't have any sticks to get tangled on, since they are all picked up!
Here is Karl, working in the yard. Doesn't he look cute? I love the look, with the gloves sticking out of his back jeans pocket!
And last, but certainly not least: Daylight savings begins tonight! I am so excited about this, because hopefully, Dalton will sleep in. Normally, Dalton wakes up & then immediately wakes Braden up (we discovered on a weekend that Dalton wasn't here that Braden slept for an additional hour or two, without his little alarm clock!) Then Braden is cranky & starts fighting with Dalton. Then Dalton starts fighting with him. (I am not talking about fighting-fighting, just arguing over who gets which toy ect). It's so not pleasant, waking up to 2 screaming boys! Anyways, I digress: Don't forget to "Spring Forward"!
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