Hi! My name is Megan. I am a 26 year old married mother of 2 rowdy toddlers. We also have a cat & a puppy. This is our life.
Karl & Megan’s Wedding Vows
May 28, 2006
I vow to encourage you in your personal growth
I vow to laugh with you, cry with you & have fun with you
I vow to be an equal partner in the building of our family
When times are tough, I vow to try to think about the positive qualities that brought us together
I vow to trust you & show you that you can trust me
I vow to continue learning about you & growing with you
I vow to be honest and communicate my feelings, even when it’s hard to do
I vow to make time to listen to your feelings
I vow to be a comfort and safe haven in your life